Solar Panels

Energy for a Sustainable World.

What are Mono Solar Panels?

Single-crystalline silicon

Mono solar panels, constructed from premium mono-crystalline silicon, deliver the highest efficiency compared to all other types of solar panels. These solar cells are made from cylindrical silicon ingots, which are sliced on four sides to form silicon wafers, giving them their unique appearance. Thanks to the high-quality silicon used, mono-crystalline solar panels achieve efficiency levels between 15% and 23%. At Stair Way Electronics, we ensure 100% satisfaction with all our solar panel products, providing unmatched performance and reliability.

What are Poly Solar Panels?

Poly-crystalline silicon

Poly solar panels, made from polycrystalline silicon (also known as poly-Si or multi-crystalline silicon), have been a reliable choice since their introduction in 1981. Unlike mono-crystalline panels, poly-crystalline panels do not require the Czochralski process, resulting in less silicon waste during production. Although poly-crystalline panels have slightly lower heat tolerance than their mono-crystalline counterparts, the performance difference in high temperatures is minimal and typically insignificant for most homeowners. With efficiency rates ranging from 15% to 20%, poly solar panels offer a dependable and cost-effective solution. At Stair Way Electronics, we provide high-quality solar panels designed to meet your energy needs.


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